Point Fixe no 30 – Childhood world, children’s words

Chloé BesnerUncategorized

Throughout the world, and since the dawn of time, men, women, children are leaving their country to flee war, famine, misery, dictatorship. To leave without return, far from one’s own; to arrive in a new country, of which sometimes one does not even know the language … That is the perilous journey of Paloma, imagined by Pascal Brullemans and directed … Read More

Point Fixe no 29 – A “DynamO pedagogy” for a new generation of young audiences…

Chloé BesnerUncategorizedLeave a Comment

“A new generation of young audiences (…) is eager to use its imagination, feelings and thinking (…) DynamO Théâtre performs in schools to meet this need (…) the company has developed an educational approach. … a unique “DynamO pedagogy” in sync with young people’s bodies, imagination and feelings.” Read Le Point fixe 29 here (in French)!