"The francophone company displays a healthy respect for the maturity of its young audience […] There are many splendid examples of physical theatre, but one in particular speaks beautifully about the way the woman’s memories of her lost family are her foundation. The woman is raised high above the ground; each step she takes in the air is supported by a different parent or sibling […] Although it is wordless, the universal appeal of I on the sky speaks to anyone from anywhere."
Kevin Prokosh, Winnipeg Free Press
" When it comes to acrobatics, Cirque du Soleil may have the dazzle, but DynamO Théâtre has the soul […] another exquisite piece of physical theatre […] the five-member cast turns this universal tale of alienation into a poignant, sometimes comic, and ultimately hopeful ballet."
Martin Morrow, The Grid
"[…] it fluently blends music, movement and, of course, some high quality acting to tell a complex story of a young woman […] a story they tackle with an almost ferocious intensity and physicality […] there is wit aplenty, all offered up in a style that trusts its audience to figure out right from wrong, the humane from the inhumane […] a work that boldly challenges a young audience to blend their own imagination with those of the performers to enrich their theatrical experience."
John Coulbourn, Toronto Sun
"Director Yves Simard has set up some ambitious choreography, this young and energetic company more than delivers. The movement ins this piece is spectacula […] judging by the audience reaction - gasps, laughter and applause at regular intervals - they've got exactly what it takes to hold the attention of a room full of sixth-graders."
Mike Anderson, Mooney on théâtre
"Young People'sTheatre has opened its 2012/13 season with a fantastic show by DynamO Théâtre of Montreal […] From simple gesture and facial expressions to vast leaps and aerial flips, the range of ability of the troupe of five persormers is impressive […] I think this is such a dynamic work and so well performed that people of any age will enjoy it […] To see such a subtle psychological change presents in such a vivid, highly physical way is truly a remarkable experience."
Chirstopher Hoile, Stage Door
"I on the sky is a beautiful little poetic movement play by Montreal's DynamO Théâtre created for young audiences, but it is so artfully done, adults could easily apreciate, and be moved emotionally."
Vance, Tapeworthy