8 to 12 years

me me me…

-“Aren’t you bothered by that young girl in the corner whom no one likes?
-…course not. She’s a reject. Only normal…”

(Pierre Foglia, La Presse newspaper)

Days begin as always, with the children arriving at school. In addition to cleaning the classroom, the janitor has added his own special touch. Long-time friends Nathan, Mathilda, Suzanna and Stanley rush into class turning the room into chaos. The teacher steps in and channels the overflow of energy. Minds now turn to a class assignment. Hands go up and pupils jump from their seats wanting to give THE answer. Mathilda’s enthusiasm as she hollers “me me me…” along with the prize she wins for giving the right answer trigger a hostile reaction on the part of the others. At the end of the day, the janitor comes in to tidy things and discovers what has happened. In the schoolyard or in class, Mathilda now seems to be an outsider. Whatever she does to fit in, the others ignore her. Even her best friend seems to be turning a cold shoulder.

Mathilda isolates herself more and more. In her mind, the class has become a strange and threatening place. Her decision will stun everybody and even the gentleness of the janitor will not be able to sway her.

Script Lise Vaillancourt
Director Robert Dion
Set designer Anick La Bissonnière
Music Frédéric Desager
Prop and costume designer Marie-Soleil Lavoie
Lighting designer Sonoyo Nishikawa
Acrobatic advisor Alain Sébastien Gauthier Choreography advisor Marta Carter
Rhythm advisor Charles Duquette
Creative team Peggy Allen, Searth Boun, Lynne Cooper, Richard Fréchette, Charles Gaudreau, Anne Gendreau, Steeve Munger, Francis Néron