8 years and up

a production for stage clowns

Wacky and bewildering humor that remains deeply human and moving.

The performance is about to start when the star of the show, Mister Jerry, disappears in a cloud of smoke. Morgon, his right-hand man, is forced to take over the show. Comedy and absurd meld in this one-hour performance during which Morgon must learn to accept the clumsiness, buffoonery and unexpected powers of H. Da, his last-minute assistant. Surfacing behind all this buffoonery are the solitude of existence and the loneliness of two beings being propelled into life circumstances.

Playwright and director Jackie Gosselin Performers and cowriters Marilyn Perreault, Yves Simard Visual advisor Richard Lacroix Costumes made by Marie-Soleil Lavoie Lighting designer Richard Piquet Dramaturg Maurice Roy

This production can be restaged if an adequate number of performances are programmed.
Contact ANNE-MARIE VAILLANCOURT, in charge of touring for additional information.