Theatre Mediation

Special theatre mediation initiatives

Certain shows call for the development of special theatrical mediation projects. Here are a few examples:

Around The Nonexistent

The Chorus – young people appearing on stage during the performance

Seven workshops introduce a group of 15 to 30 participants to chorus movement and text work. They are designed to have these young people take part in a performance of The Nonexistent. 

Around Inner Migrant

This Is Not A Suitcase

When Inner Migrant opened in 2014, a theatre mediation project leading to the  This Is Not A Suitcase exhibition lasted some 2 years. Five classes in Montreal’s Villeray — St-Michel —Parc-Extension borough took advantage of 170 workshops.

YEAR 1: The students met with all the production craftspeople. In addition, they attended performances during the development phase.

YEAR 2: The students designed a scale model of a set that represents a host city that draws on the Inner Migrant  team and creating the collective This Is Not A Suitcase exhibition.